Water Conservation

Water Conservation
-It’s a Partnership


Water resources for the Clovis area are strained, and the Ogallala Aquifer that we all rely on is declining. Today, it takes a lot more effort to draw water from the ground and bring it to your tap.

Our water in Clovis is provided through EPCOR water utility. Together, we’re working with you to manage and protect your water for today and the future, providing you with information, tools and resources to help you make wise water choices every day.

Restoring Playas Supports Water Sustainability for Clovis Community

Let’s work together and conserve!

In your yard:


-Water only when your yard really needs it – water in the early morning or late evening to avoid evaporation.
-Water for a longer period of time but less often – let the water sink into the ground.
-Replace high water-use plants with native, low water-use plants.
Choose native plants, shrubs and trees that require
little irrigation and group plants that share the same water requirements.
-Follow the recommended watering schedule for your address:
Odd street numbers: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Even street numbers: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Remember – don’t water on Mondays.

Visit epcor.com for more tips on water efficiency & conservation.

In your home:


-You can’t always hear a leaky toilet, and a small leak can waste hundreds of gallons of water a day.
Use dye tabs or food coloring to check for leaks regularly.
-Replace showerheads, outdoor hose nozzles and kitchen and bathroom faucets and aerators with low-flow models.
-Run the washing machine and dishwasher only when full.
-Take a 5-minute shower instead of a bath.

Visit epcor.com to get a retrofit kit or a water audit kit for free!

Links and Documents


EPCOR is our local water utility company. Visit their website for service information and conservation programs.

 learn more

Eastern NM Water Utility Authority

ENMWUA is working on replacing current groundwater supplies (aquifers) with a renewable surface water supply (Ute Reservoir).

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Water Policy Advisory Board

Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 8:30 am to advise and assist the city commission and the citizens of Clovis in the development and application of water conservation programs and principles.

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Master Water Assurance Plan

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Northeast NM Regional Water Plan

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Water Management Ordinance 13.24

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